Smart Steps for Planning Your City Sightseeing

Smart Steps for Planning Your City Sightseeing

A friend recently asked me about planning their days in Paris.  This then led to questions about London, too.  There is so much to see, with so little time.  When you are on vacation, time is money.  How do you corral the mass of information?  Read on to discover smart methods for planning your sightseeing.

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Essentials of Driving UK-Style

Essentials of Driving UK-Style

So you are contemplating renting a car for your UK vacation, but you're not certain about driving on the opposite side of the road?  I’m proud to say that I am one of many who did it and lived to tell, and I know that you can do it, too.  In this post, learn ways to conquer your apprehension, tips for saving money on your rental, and making the most of this new skill set.

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Britsburgh 'Double-Fister': Comparing British import beers

Britsburgh 'Double-Fister':  Comparing British import beers

Britsburgh 'Double-Fister':  Comparing British import beers

What better way to start a blog, then to write about the some of the best things already surrounding you...A short time ago, some brilliant minds in my hometown came together and brainstormed an appealing idea: bringing together all things British (& Anglophiles like me) within our friendly, hometown of the most recent events...the Britsburgh Beer Society's 'Shakesbeer' Beer Tasting Event.  How familiar are you with British beer?  I can honestly say that I don't always drink beer, but when I do... well... now I've found at least 2 really great beers I like directly as a result.


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